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Tuesday, April 8, 2008 ( 1:23 AM )

Today is the start of a new whole school term and I am sooooo not ready for it...Curses...Well...It was fairly alright...Didn't study much...Had visual communications period 1-2,english period 3-4,physics period 5 and frees period 6...Lucky I finished school early today cause I wasn't up for school...The whole day was really tiring...Not the fact of work in school but due to sleeping late the day before...Served me right...My fault*clapsclaps*...Went home...Accompanied Hafiz for like 15mins cause his parents weren't home and he dosen't have his keys along with him...I went back home before his parents arrived...Dun ask me why...There's just a reason for it...I would have stayed with him...Oh well...Went back home...Changed my clothes...Watched TV...Ended up sleeping right in front of the TV till like 6+ or 7+...Can't blame me right...I was tired...Sleeping late is one thing...You always feel tired after reaching home from school which is on top of this steep hill and I have to walk all the way back home...That's probably it for today...It's a suckish ending but it has to come to an abrupt end...

Till here...

Sunday, April 6, 2008 ( 11:48 PM )

Well...How long have I not been blogging??You people tell me..Haha...I just have no freaking life...Even during the holidays....Due to a certain reason...I didn't go out to even Geelong Town with Hafiz...Oh well...No need to complain cause school is already starting tomorrow...Seesh...It's such a bad timing...WHY?!?grrr...

Today went out to blaja ugama like I always do every sunday with family and friends...It was alright...A new location today...Not too far from the old one...No complaints...After blaja ugama,went to have dinner...We had pizza...Mmmmmm*yumyum* *burp*...And now i'm full...

Been working out again to get my physical level back in touch...Getting soo weak that I can't really carry myself during breakdancing session...So now i'm determined to get back in shape and I am....Getting towards my goals...Now...Only problem is that...I don't know what new moves(freeze) there are for me to learn...Nvm...Can't give up now...

One interesting thing happened out of all my days for the past 2 weeks was the daylight savings...It changed today(sunday) morning at ard 3am...Which makes the time diff change...Eg. sg time diff during daylight savings=3hrs diff, sg time diff after daylight savings=2hrs time diff...Get it...But that's not the interesting part...The interesting part is that I went to through 2am twice...So it's kinda like Deja Vu...I'm going through the same 1hr twice...Lol...It's kinda like an extra hour...

Till here...